I always love whenever a proposed change to baseball comes up, it's met with such opposition from baseball "purists". Baseball is the only sport in which these "purists" are so obsessed with the game's past that they refuse to make any change that, gasp, might actually improve the game. So while the NFL is constantly making changes to make their game better, MLB is being held back because of tradition. Seriously, is Babe Ruth gonna roll in his grave because baseball adds more replay?
With that in mind, I've thought of a few things that would make baseball better, but will most likely never happen:
1. DH in both leagues
This is probably my favorite. I think it's great when people make the argument that the DH takes away from the strategy and purity of the game. When pitchers are hitting, managers have more to think about when adjusting their lineups. They have to make double switches, decide whether to bunt a pitcher or let him swing away, etc. Apparently this adds drama to the game. I think it sucks. How many times in a National League has a team started to rally in an inning, the 8 hole hitter gets a walk to load the bases...and here comes the pitcher to suck all of the drama out of the inning. Why should the pitcher have to hit? He's a completely separate entity than the rest of the team. He's judged by different stats, has a completely different mindset than everyone else. Sure, maybe having a guy who just hits doesn't make too much sense either, but it's more fun that having the pitcher hit. God forbid baseball should be more fun.
Odds of happening: 1,000,000: 1
2. More replay
Yeah, I said it. Go ahead and complain that it will make the games longer. That's a valid argument, and the only reason why more replay shouldn't happen. But for those who say, "Human error is a part of the game," no offense, but you are an idiot. Why should umpires getting calls WRONG be a part of the game? Shouldn't the game be decided by what the players do, rather than what the umpires say they did?
I wouldn't have replay on every call. That would make things way too long. Why not make a system similar to the NFL? Each manager gets two replays per game, or per series, or per week, whatever. They can challenge safe/out calls, home runs calls, catches, tags, anything like that, just not balls and strikes. So, even if there's two replays per game, say they take 7 minutes each when all's said and done, that adds 14 minutes to each game. If that's a huge problem to anyone, too bad. I would rather get things right.
Odds of happening: 10:1 of replay somehow getting expanded
3. No more All-Star game deciding home field advantage
This is a no brainer, and I imagine it will happen soon. The idea of this is to make the game more exciting and mean more and whatever. This was the fall out from that infamous tie game. Apparently that game made fans realize that the all-star game means nothing, because they didn't get that before for some reason. Honestly, the game doesn't seem anymore important to me now than it did before, and deciding home field advangtage because of it makes no sense. Just give it to the team with the best regular season record, that was easy.
Odds of happending: probably will soon
4. Less interleague play
Part of the reason the all-star game lost its appeal is because of interleague play. Before interleague, seeing AL vs NL was exciting every year because we never got to see these players on the field at the same time. It may the World Series seem more special too. But now, it seems like we get a whole month of interleague play, and it's just too much. Maybe it's because I'm a Phillies fan and they're terrible in interleague, but I think 18 interleague games a year for each team is way too much. Just have two series every year for each team, a home and home with their most natural rival, and stop it there. Mets vs Yankees every year, Phillies vs Red Sox, Dodgers vs Angels, Giants vs A's, and so forth. It would make the All-Star game and World Series a lot better.
Odds of happening: Interleague games sell a lot of tickets, so probably 0
5. Make the first round of playoffs 7 games
Here's what I don't get. The NBA, which has a shorter season, more teams make the playoffs, and what seems like two weeks between playoff games, went from a 5 game first round to a 7 game first round, just so they can have more games that no one will watch. Baseball has a longer season, only 4 teams making the playoffs, they can play every day, yet they only have 5 game series in the first round? After struggling through 162 games to make the playoffs, a team could be gone with three bad games in the first round. MLB and NBA should collaborate and trade first round series lengths. How does that not make sense?
Odds of happening: 1,000: 1
6. Move the Astros to the AL West
Doesn't really matter, but 6 teams in the NL Central, 4 teams in the AL West, Astros would make the most sense to make the move. Just saying.
Odds of happening: Probably not unless I'm the commissioner.
7. Intentional walks
This has always annoyed me. If a team wants to walk a guy intentionally, what's the point of making the pitcher throw 4 balls to the catcher. Why not just say, hey we're gonna walk this guy, and just let him go to first without having to make the pitches? I'm sure the baseball purists would love this one.
Odds of happening: same as above
Mr. Selig, I know you are a frequent reader of my blog, so please take these changes into consideration. Thanks.